Samstag, 15. Dezember 2012

Another year, another birthday

With a birthday in December I am very used to spending it at some Christmas party - or with only few people around.  So spending my birthday in a new country and few friends around was not really the most promising prospect.  But lucky me, having old friends move to the same corner of the world enabled me to spend a fun birthday weekend away just hanging out with a great friend.  I traveled to the neighboring state of Washington, geared up for snow (I have to admit I expected something like Berlin or Michigan - not just above freezing, mild climate and beautiful snow), enjoyed great food and one of the weirdest lighting concept at a Christmas party ever (who thought that orange was a great idea?), more yummy food, great people - and the amazing scenery around Washington and actually got to cross another US state off my list: Idaho.  Thanks for a great brithday weekend, Richard!

PS: As my iPhone is totally not US-phile and refuses to work out there apart from WiFi I did not get any text messages or phone calls any of you may have sent my way over my birthday weekend.  So I apologise if I did not say thank you (even the geeks at the Mac store had no solution or explanation, rather messed up my phone even more...) - I appreciate all birthday wishes and those of you who thought of me!

 These are just some impressions from along our hike and enjoying the snow.  There usually are some bald eagles flying around - we only spotted them as we drove back and couldnt really stop.  Amazing animals.

 There are only few houses along the shores here - which must be an amazing view!  But yes, probably very isolated from bascially everything. And in Idaho.

 I did get to borrow Trooper for parts of the hike.  What a fun dog - even if he ate all of my m&m's... (shame on me for leaving them within reach!)  Too bad he wouldn't fit into my carry-on luggage.

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