Recovering from the move - or rather actually moving in - apparently is taking me longer than expected. In part this has to do with... work (my favorite excuse of choice) and being busy with figuring out how everything works out here in Canada. So my apologies for not posting in a while and having you miss out on my fun adventures for a while. The christmas break (thank you RRU President for the "appreciation days") will be a great time to catch up - and put more final bits and pieces together.
But... for now... let's wind back the clock for almost 4 weeks and when I was reunited with my home (=stuff).
Just like in Berlin my Grandma's lovely piano did seem like a challenge and required calling in additional (extra strong) guys to carry it in. It fits nicely in my living room and has since been freed of the random stuff placed on top of it. Will have to find someone to tune it - but that'll have to wait till after the holidays....
And as predicted by my Berlin movers - the Canadians were unable to piece my buffet together. Ah well... Will get that sorted one of these days.
As the movers were asked to unwrap and unpack - that is what they did. Leaving behind piles and piles of randomly mixed things: kitchen stuff and books, bathroom items and office supplies, etc. you get the picture. I did have fun finding random bits and pieces I had forgotten about (and I thought I had already found all the hidden treasures as I was packing up back home...)
As a welcome gift my landlady (she lives downstairs) gave me a box of mandarin oranges AND a blue recycling box! What a great way to say welcome!
When a friend asked me how my move was doing I sent this picture. Nice, colorful stacks, right?! That could be a new look....... Apparently I did not make a convincing argument and was told to re-visit and go on organising. Thanks for pushing me... :)
So I finally put the shelves together in what will be my office (once I get a desk that is). And started organising the folders as this before and after piece proves.
So slowly things are coming together and my home starts feeling more like my home. It is nowhere near ready but on its way. Part of me is happy that no one has taken me up on my invitiations to come visit - then again that would have speeded up the process immensely!! So please, come visit!! It's great out here. And the guest room is actually ready!