Donnerstag, 1. November 2012

Finally... I have a car!!

As easy as some things work over here - some things seem really more complicated than they have to be.  Like buying a car.  Okay, it took me a while to decide what I really wanted.  But then...  it took the place AGES to sort it all out.  So I bascially spent three hours waiting - and another three hours the next day until I was finally able to drive home with my little beauty.  I LOVE my new car and cant wait to take it out for a longer trip.  It's too much fun!!

Of course one of the firt thigns to do was change the settings to German...  My car and I know how to communicate!!  :)

 Unfortunately though, my little grey beauty has no clue how to find the ways around Victoria - so...  I had to find another little device to help out in that department...  Now, we are all good to go - maps cover all of North America!  Wohoo!!  Road trips, here we come!!

Still a little undecided on the name for the car.  Frontrunners are Mik - and August (Auggie for short).  Any thoughts??

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